Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dad and Ethan

Tom had the day after the 4th (which is the 5th, in case you were wondering!) off from work. Ethan woke up while Tom was doing his devotions in the morning. I thought they were cute together and took some pictures. Tom decided to be funny--imagine that :)

Tom's pious pose

He read so much, he fell asleep.

I thought this one was cute of Ethan.


Karen said...

Adorable! Ethan's adoring gaze is priceless!

Yesterday Olivia asked, "Mom, can we have Ethan over for a playdate soon?"

Weadock Family said...

Karen, our girls want to play with your girls, too. They keep talking about Olivia :) Maybe as soon as it cools down a tad bit we could get together.

5kkz said...

Love the Dad and Ethan devotionals piks. their precious Gramma K