Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sweet Sarah Sees SEVEN at Sunset!!


Our first little girl turns 7 today at 9pm!! It's so hard to believe that she's that old already. I told her 3 years ago that she wasn't allowed to turn 5. She was fine with that--that year. The next year, (when she was actually turning 5) she said that she would turn 5, but that she wouldn't turn 6. She would just stay 5. However, I think she's having too much growing up!! She did turn 5 and 6 and now 7. It seems like just yesterday she was born. Now, she's tall and smart and learning to hold her own with her 4 older brothers!! I'll post pictures of birthday cakes and presents later--we're going to celebrate Saturday with my parents (and her 'little' sister who also insists on getting older). Here are a couple of pictures of the birthday girl :)

Daniel and Sarah on Christmas 2003 (Sarah was almost 1)

Sarah on a giraffe at the zoo!! (2004)

Sarah and Rachel--March 2005

Sarah on vacation--September 2005


Abby said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!!
Hope you had a great day!
Love the pictures! <3

Karen said...

Happy Birthday, Sarah!
How are you feeling, Lynne? Not much longer now!

My condolences on the loss of your pastor's wife, a keen loss, indeed. I was so impressed by her homegoing service.