Saturday, December 4, 2010

October, part 1

Well, here we are in, um, October, right??!! It really can't be December already. My blog pictures tell me that it's the beginning of October. So, you have your choice--you can believe the calendar and the weather and go with December or you can believe my blog and what you know to be true and go with October.

I just spent an hour getting my October pictures ready for publication!! Instead of spending another hour sitting here uploading them, I'm going to upload 5 at a time until they're done. Five shouldn't take too long and I should be able to do them at different intervals throughout the evening.

**For my baby book for Haven: cut tooth number 3 (upper right) on November 29, #4 (upper left) on December 3. She has at least 2 more coming on the top and possibly 2 more on bottom.

**Disregard that note if you're going with the *fact* that's it's October. The above note will make absolutely no sense in that case ;)

Well, here are the first five pictures from October (um, the beginning of the current month)!

Ethan with a light for his fire truck

Ethan on his bike

Ethan on his bike going around the block

Sarah and Rachel on a walk

Haven after a walk

**I would add a picture of Tom, but I'm afraid that would be the last picture I ever took. He's in bed right now with the stomach flu--YUCK! I won't go into details, but please pray for him. He's over the worst of it right now. Please pray, too, for the rest of us. I don't want it spreading through the family. Ethan got a hold of Tom's cup and drank out it, so please especially pray for him. That will not be a fun time for any of us. (I don't like barf.) Thanks!

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