Saturday, March 12, 2011

Food Coloring

This is the 2nd time Haven went down the food coloring path. The first time, I didn't think to take a picture. This time, I said, "Wait, grab the camera!" I'm sure there are some of you who are thinking why? how? did she get into food coloring at all, let alone twice in 6 days. Well, the first time, I had put the box down on the kitchen stool (I had to climb up to get it). She touched it before I could get it. So, that was basically an accident. The second time was more our fault. I had the box out to do Rachel's brownies (see other post) and I didn't put it away. (I know, I know, always put stuff away when you're done. I tell the kids that all the time.) I put it on the counter instead of in the cupboard and someone (or, Someone since he seems to be a real person in our house. Someone lost my... Someone put that there. Someone made that mess.) knocked it off onto the floor. Did Someone pick it up. NO, of course not. Leave it for mom. Well, mom saw it on the floor and thought something about Haven probably getting into it again. But, no, mom didn't pick it up. Lazy moment. The funny thing was that when I told Tom about it, he said that he saw the box on the floor and thought that he should pick it up, but he left it for Someone else!!! Maybe that's why our kids are so terrible!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, here's the result of Someone's carelessness and our laziness.

It was green and yellow food coloring this time!

For those of you who are interested, the diapers were much less exciting with green food coloring. The black was quite dramatic--just ask Amy or Liesel or Rebekah!!!

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