Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dissection Time

Biology class. Dissection. Frogs. Fish. Worms. Pigs. Everybody's favorite part of Biology :) Nathan and Joshua M. are taking Biology this year and we (the moms) decided that it would be fun to get together and dissect some animals for their labs. I have pictures from the first time we did it. We started with the frog and have since done a perch, a starfish, a crayfish, and a worm.It's been,, I think. It's gross, interesting, disgusting, educational. Next week, were planning to tackle the pig--that'll be really exciting. I remember doing that in Biology class. Poor little Wilbur :) Anyway, here are some pictures of the class and the students!!

First of all...the class!! 15 students in 2 families :)
Sorry, girls, you're outnumbered.

The dissection kit

Getting started...everyone was curious :)

Peter with the starfish!

Nathan made the tongue stick out!!

Frog pinned on the board and ready to go

Those black things are eggs...female frog :)

Daniel helped cut a little bit!

Nathan found a beetle in the stomach

Um, make that 2 beetles in the stomach!
After we were done, the boys went out
to play basketball.

The smart ones stayed inside with the pizza :)
The really smart one slept!!! (Peter M.)
After lunch, the kids went out again.
This time they played capture the flag.

We had an interesting time and the kids seemed to enjoy themselves. The next week, we went to the Muzzi's house to dissect. We enjoyed going over there--the boys loved playing football and the girls enjoyed playing with Rebekah. Rachel stepped on a wood chip and ended up in urgent care. It ended up being a very long day, but we were able to see the Lord answer prayer very specifically throughout. That was special for Rachel. And...her heel healed just fine! I'm planning to take pictures of the pig so stay tuned :)


Anonymous said...

EWE i don`t know why they would want to do that, that is so nasty

Nathaniel said...

I so want to do a Dissection class now.