Friday, June 10, 2011

Get together at the Weadocks

We had planned to have a teen activity tonight--Friday, June 10, but the weather was wet. And cold. Strange since we had 95-100 degree weather just 2 days ago. But, alas, we live in Michigan and the weathermen are not in control of our weather. Ethan told me today that it was raining. I asked him, "Now who did that?!?" He said, "God." Right, little buddy. Don't forget that. Don't complain about it, either (that preaching is for me, btw!). So, instead of completely canceling the activity, we went to Plan B. We canceled the soccer-in-the-rain idea (Plan A) and the official "Teen Activity" name and went with a "Get together at the Weadocks." We had the teens over to watch a video (yes, we called the parents and explained and got their approval *before* asking the teens!). We figured we would lose a few teens in the deal--not interested, parents would prefer not, etc--BUT, we ended up with everyone saying YES!! We picked up a few people that hadn't signed up and a couple backed out at the last minute, but we had a full house! We had 20 teens plus the 10 of us in our mansion, um, little house ;) It was fun and everyone seemed to have a good time. If you really want to know what they thought, you'll have to ask them! I took 2 pictures of the kids watching the video and a couple of Haven wearing Jacob's hat. Thanks, parents, for letting your kids come over :)

Half the group

The other half! Poor Abby--she got stuck with Haven all night :)

Haven and the hat :)


Anonymous said...

Wow that was fast!!

~Sarah Rose

Abby said...

I LOVED having Haven all night!!!!! =) I'll miss her this summer! =)