I know I should be updating this blog, but every time I sit down to do it, a million other things scream at me. Oh, maybe they aren't things...they could be kids. And I guess, there aren't a million of them, but sometimes it seems like it :) Anyway, I have a few minutes now that I should be working on painting, sewing, or Sunday School preparing, but I figured I'd do an update or two. So, here goes...
Ethan and Justice at the July 4th picnicEthan didn't want his picture taken :)
Little stinker!
The Freedom Wall at church for the 4th of July
Haven and Bethany at the end of a long day :)
Our new carpet!! We love it :)
Rachel rolled up in our new carpet!
Our yummy dinner one night in July--I love the fresh summer veggies!
Ethan and Haven asleep on the floor!
Ethan helping me sand the windowsill before I paint (that's what I'm supposed to be painting now!)
Haven absolutely loves Sarah. She always wants Sarah to hold her :)
Rachel enlisted Ethan to play dolls with her!!!
Peter, Andrew, Sarah, and Rachel went to VBS at Faithway and had a fantastic time. All 4 of them are in this picture...can you find them?!?
Sarah won the overall grand prize for the most verses said and the most total points!!!!! We are so proud of her. Peter was 2nd place and Andrew and Rachel did super wonderful jobs, too!!
Haven with a fever :(
More Sarah and Haven buddy time :)
These 2 like to fall asleep on the floor--must be the new carpet!
Next up: our trip to Jungle Java!
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