Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gallup Park

I know, I know. Sorry. It's hard to sit down and take the time to update this blog. It takes so much time to upload the pictures. Anyway....while Nathan and Daniel were at camp, we took the other 6 to Gallup Park one of the nights. It was actually kinda chilly (hard to believe right now since it's like 90 gazillion degrees outside at 1am!), but it was a lot of fun. The kids rode their bikes and Tom and I pushed Ethan and Haven in the stroller. We'll have to go back sometime with the other 2. We took way too many pictures, but I won't bore you to death. Here is a sampling :)

Tom took this!

Andrew!Mom with the kidsSweet Sarah!Mom and Haven
This goose family crossed right in front of us. They hissed as Tom and Andrew passed by! I took some pictures and then hurried past them!

One of the many attempts at a good picture!

Haven in the swing--she loved it :)

Kids watching the ducks

Mom and kids on the dock

Andrew spent most of his time throwing rocks in the water!

Peter being goofy for the camera :)

Andrew...throwing more rocks

Ethan running!

Ethan doing what he does best--looking cute :)

throwing rocks

Rachel and Sarah

Ethan running to get more rocks

"Let's get lots more rocks!!"

Sarah, Ethan, and Rachel

I love this picture!! They walked out on the dock like this and I snapped their picture :)

We had a very nice night:) I hope you enjoyed at least some of the pictures. Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FIELD TRIP!!!! I have not been to Gallup park in ages, I wonder how much convincing it would take for my Mom to take us ;)
ps Very cute pictures especially of Ethan.